Your life can become fulfilling, if you focus your efforts in what you are wired best to achieve. When you become the best version of you, that is true success. We offer an excellent way for you to easily evaluate yourself and to discover that version of you. Thrive, instead of just survive!
I think the best way of describing what the Real Living Assessment process looks like is to tell you Jesse's story. Jesse worked for a large local manufacturing company. He loved the company, but was frustrated with the work and his work environment. He completed our program and took his Real Living Assessment summary form to his manager. She reviewed it and said she new exactly where he needed to be. The fact it was a promotion was great, but the type of work he was doing was the real promotion. You see, Jesse is a high Refiner, high Internalist with Autonomy and Accuracy & Perfection as his top values. Since he is a high Internalist with the value of Autonomy and Independence, he needed to be able to work on his own, without the distractions of others talking to him. The Quality Assurance position was perfect for his wiring, since Accuracy and Perfection was his highest value. A true win / win for him and the company.
Our Real Living Assessment Program is simple and extremely cost effective, compared to the cost of working hard and hating what you are doing. Whether it is poor business hires, wasted college tuition or just the general dissatisfaction that most people seem to settle for in life, there is a better way. Let us help you to discover what you can become.
A message to the team leaders out there.
Conveying your values to each team member is an important step in protecting your reputation and your business. In many ways, the primary job of a leader is to work themselves out of a job. The goal is for your team to represent your values, whether you are there or not. You need to build a team that can produce your desired results, with or without you. Your job is to invest in your team so they best reflect your vision and your values. Investing in your team’s success actually guarantees your own success. Creating an environment of trust, integrity and success does not happen by accident. You have to invest yourself into it.
You have to invest the same care for your team as you invest into your products. You have to invest the time to understand what is important to each member of your team. This investing conveys that they matter. You are telling them that their success is important and you want to help them to achieve it. You build an environment that insures that their success becomes your success too. A true win / win result.
The Real Living Assessments have the power to guide you in achieving your goals.
If you believe that Real Living Assessments can be of service, you should start with the Complete Assessments package and take the assessments. It all starts with you understanding how you are wired. This reveals your strengths and what are the missing parts in work or in your team. By discovering your strengths you are also revealing your needs and blind spots. The blind spots that cause you to react, instead of lead. The blind spots that catch you unawares and always cost you grief and loss. The headaches that could have been avoided.
Think of it as if you are a baseball manager. You recruit specific players, with specific talents to build the best team. That is exactly what we provide for you. A means of objectively accessing each current and future team member so you can place them where they do the most good.
Team Building: If you’re going to build a team, you need to know what positions you have and what you don’t.
Succession Planning: When replacing members of your team, you have to first understand what they truly brought to you.
Conflict Mitigation: Many conflicts are just unresolved matters from a lack of understanding. We can bring insight.